Argus is pleased to announce our revolutionary eye tracking data analysis technology: Argus ET Aanlysis SceneMap Module! As part of our comprehensive Argus ET Analysis Software suite, our advanced SceneMap Module makes analysis quick and easy with a near automated process! Please Contact Us for more information.
By leveraging over 40 years of experience and hundreds of thousands of conversations with Argus researchers, Argus developed the powerful SceneMap Module to enhance our Argus eye tracking analysis software suite: ET Analysis.
We incorporated the SceneMap Module into this suite to further automate and expedite data analysis for applications where gaze falls on stationary object(s) or surface(s). SceneMap Module greatly assists researchers with analysis of eye tracking data collected in driving simulators, stores, rehabilitation facilities, and many other environments.
This revolutionary SceneMap module saves you and your analysis team resources and time. You can create one master environment file without the need for an elaborate IR marker set up. By identifying the Areas of Interest (AOIs) in one master file, AOIs are applied to all participant files. This software eliminates arduous video frame by frame analysis when participants are viewing stationary objects. You will no longer be hindered by the time it takes to perform large studies with multiple participants.