EEG views are Analyzer program components that are used to display EEG data. When you open a data set in the main window, this generates an EEG view that prepares the data and displays it on the screen. The employed view determines all aspects of the display from the arrangement of the channels in the window through to details such as the font used for the channel names.
You can control the display of the EEG data very simply by selecting the required view. The
following views are frequently used:
Standard View. The Standard View corresponds to the EEG on paper. The curves or EEG channels are shown one after (below) another. The Standard View is typically used for spontaneous EEG analyses.
Head View. The Head View displays the EEG channels in topographic head positions.
Mapping View. The Mapping View shows the voltage distribution on the head in color in the form of a topographic map.
The way a data set is displayed is, to a large extent, determined by its data type. For example, data in the time domain has to be displayed differently from data in the time-frequency domain. The user is not able to influence this aspect of the display since it is predetermined on the basis of the data set to be displayed. At the same time, data of a given data type can be displayed in different ways; for example, time domain data can be displayed in the Grid or Mapping View. The user is generally free to decide on this aspect of the display.
Due to this distinction between predetermined and configurable aspects in the choice of the display, the views available in Analyzer are subdivided into view categories. The view category designates the freely configurable aspect of the display.
Opening and using viewsWhen you open a data set in the History Explorer, an EEG view is generated and displayed in the main window. In the program settings, you can predefine the type of display that is to be used in such cases. These settings include the scaling of the EEG, the visible time interval and the employed montage.
Open views are displayed in tabs above the EEG. This gives you a simple way of switching between open view windows. The navigation bar and toolbar are used with all views.
In addition, every EEG view possesses a context menu which provides you with more advanced functions. For example, you can change the type of display in an existing window without having to close the view to do so.
Multiple views of an EEG can be displayed simultaneously (see the description of the “Additional View" function.
Views can be linked to each other in different ways. For example, in views based on data of the same type, the EEG graphs can be overlaid.
In addition, you can also select montage connections of the channels in the EEG for each view.
A fundamental function of EEG views is to display EEG channels in the form of a graph. This capability is associated with functions such as channel selection, range selection and the display of status information on the EEG graph
When you move the mouse pointer over the EEG graph in a view, a red cross appears at the nearest point on the graph and the corresponding details of its position are displayed on the status bar.
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