Multimodal wearable NIRS-EEG Mobile
NIRSport2 Advantages
High powered dual LEDs 32mW maximum illumination / optional next generation APD detectors with down to 33 pW sensitivity.
Proprietary automated ultra-fast source and detector specific signal optimization.
Variable tension spring holders offering optimal scalp coupling and comfort.
Full array short-distance detectors available.
Probe-level 9-axis accelerometer(s).
NIRSport2 system
fNIRS platform
EEG-NIRS High signal quality
NIRS-fNIRS extensive versatility
NIRS EEG extensive versatility
NIRS wearable
Mobile NIRS-EEG wearable
Multimodal wearable NIRS-EEG Mobile
NIRS-fNIRS for future research needs
fNIRS optimal user experience
NIRS for highest Signal Quality Success in science
NIRS Modularity and Scalability
NIRS-fNIRS Modularity in divisions of 8 sources 8 detectors
NIRSport2 the base device comes in 8 x 8 and 16 x 16
NIRSport2 up to 5 devices can be fully synchronized.
NIRS with Short distance channels
NIRS-EEG Multimodal EEG-NIRS Mobile
EEG-NIRS High signal quality
NIRS Modularity and Scalability
NIRS with Short distance channels
fNIRS optimal user experience
NIRS-fNIRS extensive versatility
NIRS-fNIRS for future research needs
NIRS EEG extensive versatility
Mobile NIRS-EEG wearable
NIRS-fNIRS Modularity in divisions of 8 sources 8 detectors
Neuroscience 2022 Brain Support Latam
FALAN Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Neuroscience Societies
LATBrain A brain with science and Latin American consciousness
BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.
Argentina | Bolívia | Brasil | Chile | Colômbia | Costa Rica | Cuba | Equador | El Salvador | Guatemala | Haiti | Honduras | México | Nicarágua | Panamá | Paraguai | Peru | República | Dominicana | Uruguai | Venezuela |
NIRS fNIRS Online Neuroscience Course Instituto do Cerebro
Nesta sexta-feira (08), o Instituto do Cérebro (ICe) vai realizar um curso gratuito, com certificado de participação, de Espectroscopia Funcional em Infravermelho Próximo (fNIRS). Esta técnica é capaz de monitorar a atividade cerebral de maneira não-invasiva através de ondas de luz que atravessam as camadas superficiais do cérebro. As vagas presenciais já estão completamente preenchidas.
O curso será dividido em duas partes: pela manhã, palestras on-line de pesquisadores experientes em fNIRS; à tarde, o curso de forma presencial no Laboratório de Humanos, que também será transmitido pela internet.
Confira a programação:
Part 1 – On-line
10:00 – 10:45 Neuroscience of the individual with fNIRS – Rickson Mesquita
10:45 – 11:30 Neuroscience research in Education – João Sato
Part 2 – On-line and in-person
13:00 – 13:45 Introduction to fNIRS – Juan Pablo
13:45 – 14:30 fMRI & the BOLD response – Dráulio Araújo
14:30 – 14:45 Coffee break
14:45 – 15:30 Hands-on data acquisition
15:30 – 16:00 fNIRS publications, scientific questions and experimental designs
16:00 – 17:00 Data analysis with fNIRS
The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.