NIRS EEG Decision making and perception, Executive function an education

Saturday, 29 de April de 2023
Neuroscience & Behavior Themes - BrainTV Program 30Nov20

EEG - Workshop
NIRS and neuroscience
NIRS, EEG and Eye Tracking
Percepcion and neurosciente: How does it connect?
Decision making and perception
Executive function and percepcion
Executive function an education
Bahaviour and brain
Behaviour and social interactivity
A consciência humana

A consciência humana


EEG - Workshop

NIRS and neuroscience

NIRS, EEG and Eye Tracking

Percepcion and neurosciente: How does it connect?

Decision making and perception

Executive function and percepcion

Executive function an education

Bahaviour and brain

Behaviour and social interactivity

The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.


Jackson Cionek

#eegerpbci #eegnirscombined #nirslatam #eeglatam #episodicsemanticmemory #inhibitorycontrolswitching #skilllearning #reasoning-valuation #languageprocessing #cognitiveneuroscience #socialinteraction #bienestarwellnessbemestar #semioticsresearch #executivelegislativejudgmentfunctions #sentienceconsciousness #decisionmaking #socialpreferences #culturalneuroscience