Aging - Aging00:00:00 - 03:01:00 Aging |
Aging - Andragogia03:01:00 - 04:08:00 Andragogia |
Aging - Espiritualidad en la Vejez04:08:00 - 06:07:00 Espiritualidad en la Vejez |
Human Competence - Early Childhood Socioemotional Skills06:07:00 - 08:28:00 Early Childhood Socioemotional Skills |
Human Competence - Disruptive Technologies08:28:00 - 11:22:00 Disruptive Technologies |
Human Competence - Threats to Indigenous Peoples in Latin America11:22:00 - 12:59:00 Threats to Indigenous Peoples in Latin America |
Behavioral Research Lab - Neuroscience and behavioral 1/512:59:00 - 16:07:00 Neuroscience and behavioral 1/5 |
Behavioral Research Lab - Reconhecimento parental16:07:00 - 19:07:00 Reconhecimento parental |
Behavioral Research Lab - Human behavior 2/319:07:00 - 21:54:00 Human behavior 2/3 |
Social Interaction - Cultural Interaction21:54:00 - 23:59:00 Cultural Interaction |
The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.