Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
Neurolab - Realidade Virtual
High Time to Unravel the Neuronal Computations
Comunicação Científica
Ideologia de gênero e neurociência
Deep Dives into Neural Population Activity
Fake news no sistema educacional
Eye Movements Structure Hippocampal-Dependent
Stimulus Presentation - Basic E-Prime Topics
Neural Recycling of Reasoning Networks
E-Prime 3.0 New Features
Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition
E-Prime Timing and Tips
Insights into Human Cognition from fMRI
EEG Electrode CAPs
Empathy, Social Contact, and their Neuromodulation
active Electrodes
Neurocomputational Motivational to Decision Making
EEG ERP BCI FFT N200 P300 N400
The Flexible and Adaptive Nature of Emotional Memory
Consciousness in First Person
A Map of the Emotions
*Be free to type in English, Português o español en el mismo email.
00:00:00 - 01:22:00 Realidade Virtual |
01:22:00 - 02:01:00 Comunicação Científica |
02:01:00 - 02:37:00 Ideologia de gênero e neurociência |
02:37:00 - 07:31:00 Fake news no sistema educacional |
07:31:00 - 08:49:00 Basic E-Prime Topics |
08:49:00 - 10:45:00 E-Prime 3.0 New Features |
10:45:00 - 14:21:00 E-Prime Timing and Tips |
14:21:00 - 16:32:00 EEG Electrode CAPs |
16:32:00 - 17:09:00 active Electrodes |
17:09:00 - 21:04:00 EEG |
21:04:00 - 22:19:00 A Map of the Emotions |
22:19:00 - 23:59:00 Perception of time and space |
The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.