CNS 2020 Cognitive Neuroscience Society - Poster Session C1 - C59

Sunday, 13 de March de 2022

Cognitive Neuroscience Society CNS 2022

Highway to the Danger Zone: Fatigue Assessment in a Flight Simulation
Musical rhythm training improves temporal attention and working memory in aging
Electrophysiological modulation of peripersonal space in the presence of threatening faces
Rapid electrophysiological activations within anterior insula anticipate spontaneous pupil dilations
Targeting Neural Correlates of State- and Trait-Boredom
Two dominant brain states reflect optimal and suboptimal attention
Global integration of intrinsic brain activity is related to attention and ADHD
Gamma band activity acts as a trigger for long-range apparent motion. Towards an integrative theory of apparent motion
Inhibitory rTMS over the right parietal cortex modulates functional connectivity
Anatomical correlates of line-bisection peformance: what can be learnt from a game theoretical analysis?
Age differences in vmPFC functional connectivity during the processing of socioemotional information
Impact of persistent depression on telomere length, cognitive decline and white matter alteration in aging adult
Characterizing cortical responses to faces and scenes in infant ventral temporal cortex.
Theory of Mind Task-induced Connectivity is Associated with Social Connectedness in Older Adults
Assessing the tradeoff between ecological validity and EEG signal quality in an aesthetic rating task
Associations between Risky Drinking, Suicidality and Network Activation During Emotional Response Inhibition
Adults vs. neonates: Differentiation of functional connectivity between amygdala subnuclei and occipitotemporal cortex
How Depressive Symptomology Affects Emotional Regulation Across the Lifespan
The neural correlates of aversive to appetitive counterconditioning
Mental workload even if learning efficiency is enhanced
Using optical flow to capture movement in response to emotional stimuli among people with schizophrenia: a pilot study
Neural correlates of perspective taking in youths
Sexual objectification beyond the metaphor: an EEG investigation
Neural correlates of affective and non-affective social interactions processing from point-light displays
EEG frequency-tagging of apparent biological motion dissociates action and body perception
Neuromodulation of the Theory of Mind Neural Network with Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback
The Power of the Personal Narrative
The Developmental Trajectory of the Domain General Cortex
ERP P3 during visual 3-stimulus oddball task and intelligence at school aged children: the Hokkaido Study
The striatal feedback response reflects goal updating Ian Ballard1
Using a Memory Game to Enhance Frontal Activation: An fNIRS Study
Neural dynamics during dimensional label learning predicts dimensional attention performance in early childhood
Effects of post-error arousal on cognitive control: Adaptive or maladaptive?
A cautionary tale about the importance of taking individual differences intoaccount when examining whether tDCS can enha
The Effects of Bilingualism on Resistance to Proactive Interference and Brain Integrity Across the Adult Lifespan
Best of both worlds: Integrating EEG and fMRI in the study of inhibition
Activity Flow over Intrinsic Networks Explains StimulationEvoked Activations
How does Feedback Processing Affect Learning in People with Traumatic Brain Injury?
Memory and Metamemory Deficits in First-Episode Schizophrenia: Effects of Psychosis on Value-Directed Remembering
Prefrontal tuning in mnemonic chunking in a spatial selfordered search task
Using fNIRS to Probe the Effects of Response Type in a Visual Working Memory Task
Losing money and memory: The effect of loss incentives on working memory in young and older adults
Cerebellar Contributions to Higher Order Cognition
Measuring working memory in visual, auditory, and tactile sensory modalities
Training attractor dynamics in human visual working memory
NSF Funding Opportunities for Cognitive Neuroscience
Inter- and intra-hemispheric white matter organization in relation to language skills in infancy
Phonological representations of their non-spoken language help Heritage speakers to learn new words: An ERP study
ERP evidence for flexibility in accessing representations associated with subject-verb agreement
The neural bases of phonological acceptability judgements
The universal language network
Effects of sleep-mediated memory consolidation on speech learning: evidence from Cantonese tones
Acquisition context modulates affective perception of swear words
The origin of the second language after-effect in bilingual language production: and ERP investigation.
Dynamic connectivity of neural networks supporting incremental speech interpretation
Parafoveal Semantic Integration Eliminates the N400 of Foveal Semantic Violation
A systematic comparison between spatial similarity and evoked responses in EEG and MEG during language comprehension
Inhibitory TMS to the left inferior frontal gyrus modulates lexical selection in a context dependent manner

Topic Area: ATTENTION: Auditory
Topic Area: ATTENTION: Development & aging
Topic Area: ATTENTION: Multisensory
Topic Area: ATTENTION: Nonspatial
Topic Area: ATTENTION: Spatial
Topic Area: EMOTION & SOCIAL: Development & aging
Topic Area: EMOTION & SOCIAL: Emotional responding
Topic Area: EMOTION & SOCIAL: Emotion-cognition interactions
Topic Area: EMOTION & SOCIAL: Person perception
Topic Area: EMOTION & SOCIAL: Self perception
Topic Area: EXECUTIVE PROCESSES: Development & aging
Topic Area: EXECUTIVE PROCESSES: Goal maintenance & switching
Topic Area: EXECUTIVE PROCESSES: Monitoring & inhibitory control
Topic Area: EXECUTIVE PROCESSES: Working memory
Topic Area: LANGUAGE: Development & aging
Topic Area: LANGUAGE: Lexicon
Topic Area: LANGUAGE: Other
Topic Area: LANGUAGE: Semantic

The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.


Jackson Cionek

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